Thursday, February 25, 2010

I'm back

Yea,I'm recover and now to share what I see and what I experience with. As I know, things is always changing, there will always be a bright day after the night. Everything starts again, so naturally, sometimes when you thought that was the end,but it isn't. Be glad, and appreciate everyday and everything you have, tomorrow will always change. A sudden disaster, a leaving, a ending...everything can happen suddenly. The dramatic gossips, make people feel disgusting to the people. Fine, love someones is good and no one can stop you from that, but using dirty tricks and hurting innocent you feel happy? Once you hear hundred of mouth saying you're such a bitch..are you glad to accept it? You break everything, your friendship, your relationship, everything. To the innocents, what I can say is, forget about it, as long as you hate it, the things will live on your mind, dont be sigh, dont be sad. Eveything will be just fine. You still got a long way to go.

If you watching this post, please... I beg you..Stop eveything hurting the others..leave others people a memorable and wonderful life.Please, get lost!